Monday, December 28, 2009

Gearing up!!!

So B and I went to tractor supply and purchased rubber boots so we can walk the creek. We need to find our back corners. They are 5/8" rebar. Our lot line is middle of the creek. Metal detector for christmas will come in handy. Also new machete (also christmas gift) will be used for clearing a path from the pasture area to the creek through the wooded area. Maybe start tomorrow afternoon. I'll post pictures of B all dressed up in boots and bearing machete!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Work day......

......well, work hour anyway. I know it's frightening but I took the chainsaw out the the farmstead Monday. We cut a trail through the wooded area for easy access to the stream. There was only one large tree that needed to go, mainly for safety reasons. It was rotten and cracked leaning against other trees. There is a lot of rubbish from times when the stream was high, so we plan to have a creekside bonfire. Maybe in the spring.

farmstead haiku

Appaloosa Farm,
Flat pasture, forest and creek
babbling about


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Welcome to Appaloosa Farmstead!

Appaloosa Farmstead is our recently purchased property that will become our self-sufficient, net zero home and farm. Come back to see our progress as we intend to develop this property over the next 5 years(+/-).

The property is 3 acres about 6 miles north of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas.

A few attributes we want for the property are: passive solar home design, rain and grey water reuse, sustainable building materials, permeable paving, organically grown fruits and vegetables, pastured chickens, etc.

More info to come.