Tuesday, February 21, 2012

U-haul Orange

There is so much to do, but even the littlest achievements are celebrated. They are all little in themselves, but makeup the big projects. You know the saying, "You can't see the forest, for the trees"? Sort of like that, but I'm starting to see the forest. Although, my favorite saying was something Pop said at the beginning of this project, "It's like eating an elephant, one bite at a time." The bites this weekend included: one microwave installed, one bathroom shower tiled and one wall grouted (just in time for the plumber), the pump house walls being prepped for studs, part of a storage unit unloaded (including the dishwasher, washer and dryer), two trips to Lowe's, one trip to Caldwell Hardware for another grout float, a cub scout outing to Entergy park, and finding the perfect accent color I've been looking for. It went something like this....

Me: Adam! Come here!
Adam: What?! (Sounding somewhat concerned)
Me: The dolly, that is the perfect shade of orange! Look at how well it goes with the green lights and is so happy with the wall and cabinet color!
Adam: The U-haul dolly? U-haul orange? Really? I can just see us going into the paint store. Yes, I'd like a gallon of U-haul orange, semi-gloss. Oh, it is a proprietary color....well, can you color match it? (with a great sarcastic tone)

Take a peek at these from http://fashionablyliving.com/ No sources were given.
Not to much, just a pop of color!

These are from Arkansas's own Tobi Fairley:
Adam and I went to the Energy Efficient House in Diamondhead a few years ago and I have been smitten with Tobi ever since.
Adam picked up some electrical insulators at Habitat last week! I had no idea what we were going to do with them, but since Tobi used them in a little vignette, it gives me the perfect excuse to bring out all of my Harry Potter books and disguise them!

So, there is this weekend's update. Hopefully, we will be able to report back soon that we have a working toilet. Stay tuned....

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